DeepLife Hackathon - Heidelberg 14.-16.06.2024


Our final hackathon meeting will take place in Heidelberg from Friday, June 14th until Sunday, June 16th!! Looking forward welcoming you in Heidelberg to finalize the projects.


We will publish a list of projects early May (projects are online!!). Teams of ~4 students from one university will form and select none pf the projects to work on. Several teams for different universities will therefore work in parallel on the same projects!

During the Hackathon, the teams which have worked on the same project will work together to discuss and compare their results, and run their model on a new testing data. In addition, the teams will prepare a poster (made of 8 A4 sheets) which will be presented during the poster session on Sunday morning.


The Hackathon will start at 2pm on Friday, 14th in BioQuant, Room SR041. There will be signs at the entrance of the BioQuant building. Registration can be done between 1pm and 2pm at the welcome desk in BioQuant.

We will have a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Rebecca Wade from HITS Heidelberg on Friday night (5pm) “Towards synergizing Molecular Simulation and Machine Learning for Structure-based Drug Design”.


Coming to Heidelberg

The hackathon will take place on the Campus Neuenheimer Feld, in the BioQuant (Im Neuenheimer Feld 267) and IPMB (Im Neuenheimer Feld 364).

  • Heidelberg is ~3 hours by TGC/ICE from Paris (via Mannheim or Karlsruhe)
  • for those coming by place, Frankfurt Airport is the closest airport; Heidelberg can be reached by train in ~1 hour.

map of the campus


You can find a list of hotels/accommodations in this document The youth hostel is in walking distance to the campus. Some of the other hotels are downtown (the old town is ~20-30 minutes walking from campus).